Dave Shumaker


Committee Chair
The Pennsylvania State University



  • Focuses on increasing government recognition and support of the gas turbine industry
  • Educates policy makers on applications and advantages of gas turbines, and advocates positions of interest on legislative and regulatory proposals
  • Develops recommendations for government-supported technology R&D programs
  • Provides an industry forum to develop industry technical guidelines needed to increase the understanding and utilization of gas turbine engines
  • Examines new opportunities for government/industry partnership programs to move the state of gas turbine technology forward. GTA partners with the DOE, State energy offices, associations and research institutes to put together program-planning workshops


It is important that the government understands that the gas turbine industry provides the most efficient, low cost, clean energy available to meet our domestic needs, improve our energy security, reduce consumer energy costs and increase economic growth. If the industry delivers this message, Congress will support technology R&D and deployment, and federal and state regulators will put in place rational emissions regulations for gas turbines.

Committee Submittals

GTA Response - Clean Energy Demonstration Program on Current and Former Mine Land (August 2022)

Testimony on the FY 2023 Budget Request for the Department of Energy Fossil Energy and Carbon Management Program (May 2022

GTA response to the DE-FOA-0002660 – RFI on Deployment Ready Carbon Reduction and Removal Technologies (January 2022)

Response to National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing Request for Information (December 2021)

GTA Response - Clean Hydrogen Deployment Act - Rep Tonko (October 2020) 

GTA Response to RFI DE-FOA-0002369 Hydrogen Technologies (August 2020) 

GTA - Letter to Chairman Powell - Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (March 2020) 

GTA Response  RFI for House Select Committee on Climate Crisis (December 2019) 

A look ahead: How government policy and technology advances are shaping the demand for gas turbines (September 2016) 

Bipartisan Congressmen recommend funding for gas turbine R&D (March 2016)

The Duck Pond - An Opportunity for Gas Turbines (March 2016) 

GTA Briefs Congressional and Administration Leaders on Jobs and Economic Growth From Gas Turbines (February 2016)

1-pager advocating gas turbine R&D distributed to key Congressional and Dept of Energy leaders
(February 2016)

Testimony to the House on the FY 2015 Fossil Energy Budget (April 2014)

Introduction of the Tonko Bill (November 2013)

GTA White Paper shows impact of R&D funding on jobs and GDP (March 2013)

Letter to the Secretary